Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the wonders of the sleep pill-- i mean sleep dutch

I'm an insomniac. I cant go to sleep at a normal time. I usually get home after midnight and my body is beyond tired. It feels like I've been working a chain gang for 3 or 4 days straight, but my mind feels as if it was trying to decipher binary code; it wont stop running.

In the past, whenever my body was in this stage: body is beyond tired but mind is still running, I would pop a tylenol PM or something to put me to sleep. However, doing so, no matter how small (or big for that matter) the dosage was, it would either knock me out and leave me with hangover like symptoms the next morning, or it would put me in a daze where i was physically asleep, but my mind never stopped, and i would be useless for reason thinking the next day.

Then I discovered the wonders of what half a dutch can do for you before you go to sleep. No need to smoke one by yourself to the dome. I dont think a bowl would have the same effect. When it's 2am, and you just got home; that is the most beneficial part of the next day for me.

It's where I sit on the patio lounger, stretch my legs, look at the stars and smoke (half) of my daily dutch.